English Product Description:for fixdown.com
The Cisco VPN Client for Windows is software that runs on a Microsoft
Windows -based PC. The VPN Client on a remote PC, communicating with a
Cisco Easy VPN server on an enterprise network or with a service provider,
creates a secure connection over the Internet. Through this connection you
can access a private network as if you were an on-site user. Thus you have
a Virtual Private Network (VPN). The server verifies that incoming
connections have up-to-date policies in place before establishing them.
Cisco IOS, VPN 3000 Series Concentrators, and PIX central-site servers can
all terminate VPN connections from VPN Clients. As a remote user (low speed
or high speed), you first connect to the Internet. Then you use the VPN
Client to securely access private enterprise networks through a Cisco VPN
server that supports the VPN client.
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